Saturday, March 27, 2010
I've been to other side of the world and back!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
I can almost hear the waves crashing on the shore now! (:
Monday, March 22, 2010
Spring Break 2010 Countdown: 5 days!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Oh Sunshine How you Make Me Smile

(Me & Nick got to spend alot of time with Caroline & her boyfriend Stephen at the meeting! )
Seriously people I live in the SUNSHINE STATE!!! Not much sunshinin' going on here lately! haha.

(I love my sister so much! & I miss her like crazy!)

(Nick & I at church on Saturday. It was so great for him to come with me!)
We have had several awesome weekends around here with our church meeting last weekend and then this weekend Britt and Forrest staying with us and Lauren's bridal shower! (:
Over the next few days I will try to update my blog with all the events that have happened! But today I will try to sum up the weekend of our annual meeting.
We were blessed all weekend with two awesome preachers who I look to with utmost respect! Elder Hugh Sanders, or as I will most likely wind up referring to him later in the post "Uncle" Hugh, and Elder Jon Mizell were our invited ministers! I love these two men dearly and it was great to be able to sit around and talk with them and have a good time!
(Me & Syd with Jon, Uncle Hugh and Elder Mark)
Jon thanks for the dating philosophy ( or as Jon pronounces it FIL-O-SO-FY! ) and of course Thanks to Uncle Hugh for the wonderful commentary! (: