I will not mention any names but it has been brought to my attention numerous times
by a dear sister of my mine that I love oh so much,
that I haven't posted every day like I said I would.
I know I know! I have failed miserably at my daily post in my 75 days of Summer series.
I'm sorry! Things have just gotten so busy here and once Harmony Highlands passed,
I wanted to be able to sit and write all about it but I kept putting it off till eventually more and more things were happening that is was way too much to even begin to try and post about! haha.
But with summer coming to an end very shortly I have a very harsh and sudden reality check that
yes indeed I am a senior and right now I am experiencing my last summer of true freedom. :(
I have very mixed emotions about my senior year.
I am so excited about all the fun senior events that are going to happen and the football games and pep rallys and senior bonfire.
But I also am not looking forward to walking across that stage and getting my diploma and posing for that cheesy picture with the principal and then stepping out into the real world.
I've always looked forward to graduating with great anticipation as I grew up watching my sister and 2 of my cousins walk across the same stage that I would walk across one day.
But I got to tell ya now that its here I'm kinda scared!
It all kinda hit me recently when I was talking to my best friend about senior year and everything. She got talking about college and all the stuff she had to do in order to get into the college she wanted to, SMU in Dallas, Texas. I suddenly realized holy crapp in a very short time we are graduating and life isnt going to be all about friday night football games! Things are going to change completely. & my best friend who I have always been able to rely on for the past two years isnt going to be just a 15 minute drive away if I need to her to make those awesome break up cookies she makes! :P All the sudden I just broke down in tears thinking about everything changing and not being able to see my close friends every day!
I realize this is all part of growing up but gosh darn it why does it all have to happen so fast?
So I guess all this to say yeah although I love to say "Gosh I cant wait to be done with high school and out of the drama!" (which I'm sure all of you have heard me say on numerous occasions haha) I really am going to miss high school so much and the people that I have grown to know and love the past 4 years. So with that being said I havent forgotten about you dear bloggers! Although senior year is going to be crazy hectic I will try my best to post as much as possible!
But my advice to you if you really want to be in the "IN" crowd get a facebook! haha *Cough* Brittany! *Cough* hahah Love you B!
I will leave you with a very short recap of my summer with a picture from each event. :)
Love yall!

Dollar Movies with Abby and Jeffrey :)

Me and Abby got a little dirty while we were laying sod.

Yearbook Palooza.
Me and Christy had so much fun at that convention!

Little Union July Meeting.
I tell you what I love this group of people dearly. I feel so close to them and I know that no matter what I truly can depend on them to be there for me!

Harmony Highlands.
(I have sooo many more pictures of this week so if you want to see them or any of my other summer pictures look on facebook and if you dont have one let me know and i will send you the link to look at them)

FCA Leadership Beach Trip

Coastal Georgia Fellowship Meeting.
Me and Caroline shared an adjoining room with her parents and had an absolute blast. This is us being lazy and creative eating breakfast in bed and watching Julie&Julia. :)

Babysitting the kiddos and making forts and watching movies.

Me and Abby's crazy hair sleepovers. :)

Surprising Abby and picking her up at the airport after she was in Michigan for 3 weeks.